I have the coolest job in the world

Aside from the great fun of making photographs, I love interacting with my subjects / clients. I had a great shoot today with a gentleman whose father is, and is himself, a rather prominent LDS public figure. He’s been through divorce, his family life has been full of tragedy and triumph. He’s had the good fortune of becoming friends with and spending time with several of the Quorum of the 12. Rather than recite all of the anecdotes, I’ll sum it up with a quote from The Prophet Josepht Smith:

“Our heavenly Father is more liberal in His views, and boundless in His mercies and blessings, than we are ready to believe or receive. . . . God does not look on sin with [the least degree of] allowance, but . . . the nearer we get to our heavenly Father, the more we are disposed to look with compassion on perishing souls; we feel that we want to take them upon our shoulders, and cast their sins behind our backs.” (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, sel. Joseph Fielding Smith (1976), 257, 240–41)

For whatever reason, I just wanted to make a semi-public declaration of grattitude for the goodness of life.

  1. Nice quote and comment. A lot of times talking to bishops I get the sense that they often don’t get it (the life of a divorced single parent). I’m always glad that God does. He seems so much more patient and encouraging. The best part: not a perfectionist. I think it would do us all well to remember that.

    Oh yeah, I just started a new blog: http://www.utahsinglesblog.com. Please come and comment…


  2. Hey – I’m thoroughly enjoying your writing… you have such interesting, insightful things to say. I’ll comment more specifically later – just wanted to mention that I’ve already quoted you to a friend. Good show!


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