4:24 am christmas morning

My father is laying in a bed at the University Hospital.

My daughters are asleep next to my sister in the guest room at my parent's house.

My mother is sleeping on a futon at my apartment in downtown Salt Lake City.

I am laying awake on the sofa at my parent's house next to the christmas tree and Santa's deliveries.

My little girls' mother is at her house in Logan.

My sister's fiancé is in Phoenix, arms empty.

There is little semblance of christmas at my apartment where my mom is staying.

The university hospital offers even less.

My parent's house is an empty shell without them here.

We are all torn away from those we love this christmas day.

Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

1 comment
  1. thank you for posting this here. your experience brought me to the gratitude that i fought vainly for all day today.

    im in utah tomorrow. please let me know if i can be there for you and yours.



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