Semantics of the Season

During the last few years, I have spend the majority of my days outside, not forbearing rain, nor snow, nor sleet, nor hail… I’ve become very cognisant of the sun and it’s effect on the earth. After spending countless hours working in the bitterness of deep winter, I understand why some cultures have found themselves engaging in sun worship. I nearly do it, myself. I LOVE the sun.

The 3rd week in December features both the winter solstice and a major Christian celebration. 21 Dec is the shortest day of the year; 22 December marks the beginning of the return of the sun, and all it’s life giving energy. During this week, I longingly look to the sun, distantly perched in the southern sky, and anxiously beckon it home for spring – the sun returns to a more prominent position in the sky, bringing warmth and ultimately, new life into the world. Plants and animals thrive, thanks to the sun. It does for them what they cannot do for themselves.

On the 25th of December, much of the world commemorates the birth of an infant who was also called The Son. As the old story goes, Jesus of Nazareth fed the 5000, caused the lame to walk, the blind to see; he illuminated the dark recesses of our own consciences with his unique teachings. The legend of the man is that he spent his life doing for mankind what they could not do for themselves. Regardless of your personal stance on the historical veracity of the Jesus story, the principle remains.

Let us take note of these two luminaries, and do likewise.

Let us make lights of our lives, and do for others, what they cannot do for themselves.

Much Love –


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