Christmas 2010…. So soon?

For those of you who have been reading my blog for a while, you may recall my blog post from last christmas…

Tonight, I post in incredibly similar, yet vastly different circumstances.

Last year, I was laying on the sofa in my parent's house, near the christmas tree. I was wrapped in blue blanket with some forgettable floral pattern on it. On my earbuds, my ipod was playing a playlist aptly named "nite tunes". Its a collection of about 120 mellow songs that I love to drift off to sleep to. This year, the same playlist is softly singing in my ears, the very same blanket is keeping me warm, and exactly as last year, in the wee hours of the morning, I lay here and tap out an entry on my blackberry.

Last year, my dad was in the Huntsman cancer hospital. My mom was asleep alone at my apartment in SLC. My kids were asleep in the other room with my sister. We were all scattered, sick, afraid.

2010 has been triumphant in many ways.

Tonight, my mom and dad sleep together in their room. Kin and Kel are with me tonight. They share a bed and enjoy that kind of happy slumber that is unique to a kid that has been spoiled on christmas day.

Mireesa, though the kids aren't with her tonight, has her parents and brother, Nate staying with her tonight.

There is a certain peace in the air tonight that I'm grateful for. I think tonight's tranquillity is particularly salient as I contemplate the state of affairs 365 days prior. We all have a lot to be grateful for.

2010 has been a wonderful year for me. I'll be writing more about that, soon. I am absolutely certain 2011 will be nothing short of thrilling and grand.

Whatever significance the 25th of december holds for you, I hope it has been an excellent day.

Much love-


Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

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