Uncategorized the ultimate victory Paul DuaneMarch 22, 2012 “If you can create something time cannot erode, something which ignores the eccentricities of particular eras or moments, something truly timeless, this is the ultimate victory.” – Dr. Ferry Porsche In this article:philosophy,quote
paul duane show podcast Uncategorized Jeffrey Berke and Cat Palmer We do a dual topic show today, talking about domestic violence and then the new broadway-class theater that’s…
life commentary personal development Uncategorized What concierge did you take advice from? Let’s talk about your next vacation. You arrive in a new city. You could hit all of the…
Uncategorized my resolve I have resolved to live, as best as I can, such that I will have no regrets (or…
Uncategorized Welcome to the new site! It’s a new year – and with it, we launch a new site. The new Paul Duane Photography…
Uncategorized Elder Rage I often deliver mail to retirement community apartment buildings. I just finished one such delivery. It reminded me…
Uncategorized Powerful Beyond Measure “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond…