Uncategorized the ultimate victory Paul DuaneMarch 22, 2012 “If you can create something time cannot erode, something which ignores the eccentricities of particular eras or moments, something truly timeless, this is the ultimate victory.” – Dr. Ferry Porsche In this article:philosophy,quote
Uncategorized Christmas Revelation New revelation given at Temple Square: baby Jesus born stranded in the middle of some freakin’ pond –…
Uncategorized G, D, A, E Makinley is learning to play the violin! She’s joined the orchestra program in her elementary school. I’m a…
Uncategorized The Perfect Day “Why would they do these unspeakable things to our kids?” “…They want to create something so horrible that…
Uncategorized It pays to linger Last night, I went out with Melissa, Dr. Normy, Kerilyn and Jaron. It being the weekend, I was…
Uncategorized I got in the way I’m on a northbound train. It’s 6:50 pm on a November night- darkness has completely settled settled in.…
Uncategorized I ate too many fortune cookies I ate a whole bag of fortune cookies to bring you the following wisdom. 😛 hahaha… nah. I…