A fine sabbath

While Thursday and Friday were both high energy, loads of fun days – sunday brought a change of pace.  My engagement portrait session cancelled, so I was afforded the opportunity to stay in and work all day long.  My sat night adventure didn’t end until about 6 am, so Sunday didn’t begin until about noon. 6 hours of sleep and I’m ready to rock.  I’m very happy to report that my broken ribs feel like they are healing.  I still have some discomfort, but I’m feeling 50x better than I was a week ago. I think that the amazing massage and attendant endorphins flowing from Jessica on friday night were a huge help.

I don’t know if there is any causal correlation here, but the last few times I’ve been sick or otherwise feeling like crap – I’ve found that a night in bed with a great woman has left me feeling markedly better the next day, with that trend rapidly escalating to total healing within a few days. Sure, it takes a lot of energy on my part to transcend feeling like garbage to rise to the occasion – and it requires some understanding on a woman’s part that I’m going to act kind of like an old man – but wow, what a wonderful dose of medicine a woman can be.

Maybe what they say in the LDS Temple ceremony is right:  “It is not good for man to be alone.”

I finished reading (listening to audio book version) “Crush It” by Gary Vaynerchuk.  What an amazing book!  It’s about how to turn your passion into your own profitable business.

interesting thoughts from “Crushing it”:

  • Working, playing, and relaxing are the same.
  • Storytelling is by far the most underrated skill when it comes to business.
  • Every decision you make in your business should be rooted in being true to yourself.
  • No matter what your service, product, or business is, your authenticity will be the root of your appeal and is what will keep people coming back and spreading the word.
  • Creating community is all about starting conversations.
  • The greatest marketing strategy ever: CARE about your customers.

And then my day got even better… I had the good fortune of receiving some personal coaching from renowned internet marketer Jason Van Orden.  Jason’s passion in life is obviously that of hleping liberate people from the mundane by assisting them in creating internet businesses, much like Vaynerchuk.   For the past several weeks, I have been struggling with questions like

  • I have business interests in category X, G, A, and M.  They are somewhat related, but I’m struggling to see how I can create continuity between them all.
  • what IS my personal brand?  Could I communicate it to you in less than 30 seconds?
  • How should I be using social media?
  • Are there business projects or ideas that I would be better off letting fall by the wayside for now?

Jason gave me some homework to do, and then in our follow up appointment, we went in depth on what the answers to these questions are.  I came out of the coaching session with an unprecedented level of clarity about what my personal brand is, and how to share it on the Internet.  My website & social media strategy became much more clear.  I now feel like I have the clarity of vision I need to push forward boldly.  Jason is co-founder of the Internet Business Mastery group. One of the reasons I decided to seek his advice, is that he’s living proof of his teachings. He has created a fantastic life for himself. Never take advice from someone who isn’t at least several steps ahead of where you, too, want to be going.   If you have hopes of living a life more on your own terms, and if you have something in life that you are passionate about – you owe it to yourself to check out his programs at www.InternetBusinessMastery.com

It never ceases to amaze me how many brilliant, helpful people and circumstances come into my life.

The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe.

Albert Einstein (1879 – 1955)

I am convinced that I live in a very friendly universe – and for that I am grateful.



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