Entrepreneurship and The American Dream 2.0

(please excuse the commercials at the beginning. Also – when this show was recorded, I was in a transistion between substituting for the show’s regular host and me taking it over regularly, hence the Jake Shannon branding)

SHOW NOTES:  These are not meant to be comprehensive nor are they all my own words; these are just the notes I used in my show preparation, hopefully they add something meaningful to the content presented here.

The economy has added 6.8 million jobs since the labor market bottomed in February 2010. But it is still about 1.9 million jobs shy of its peak in January 2008, in what has been the slowest job-market recovery since World War II. The Economic Policy Institute, a left-leaning think tank, estimates that the economy has about 8.3 million jobs fewer than it should, given the size of the population. At the current pace of job growth, that gap won’t be closed until 2021, the EPI estimates.   http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/09/06/august-jobs-report-unemployment-rate_n_3879325.html

“I have friends with the same degree as me, from a worse school, but because of who they knew or when they happened to graduate, they’re in much better jobs,” said Kyle Bishop, 23, a 2009 graduate of the University of Pittsburgh who has spent the last two years waiting tables, delivering beer, working at a bookstore and entering data. “It’s more about luck than anything else.”

The median starting salary for students graduating from four-year colleges in 2009 and 2010 was $27,000, down from $30,000 for those who entered the work force in 2006 to 2008, according to a study released on Wednesday by the John J. Heldrich Center for Workforce Development at Rutgers University. That is a decline of 10 percent, even before taking inflation into account.  http://www.nytimes.com/2011/05/19/business/economy/19grads.html?_r=0



  • What happened to the conventional idea of graduating from school, getting a job, and retiring from that same job with a nice pension?
  • What IS the American dream in the 21st century?
  • You work from home, and very successfully so. What was your path from  working for “the man” to working for yourself?
  • Lots of people try to start businesses. Why do most fail?
  • What is an information product?
  • How can people discern between low value and high value information products?
  • What advice do you have for the typical american office worker that is under appreciated, talents under utilized, under paid, and bored with their current job?
  • Describe your typical student / client for IBM.
  • Once someone starts your program, how long does the typical student take before they have a business operating online?
  • How long does it typically take until the average student / client has a business that replaces their current day job income?
  • What is the most bizarre info product you’ve ever heard of?
  • What info product categories are over saturated?

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