The Tea Street Band & Silent Sleep

22 Jan 2014 Show Notes

Go get lunch at POPLAR ST PUB!  242 South 200 West in SLC, UT.

When in Layton, here’s where you go to dinner: Corbin’s Grille 748 Heritage Park Blvd

 This week I’ve had the honor of working with two bands, both hailing from Liverpool, England. Entertainment company Redtouch Media has signed these bands and has brought them to the Sundance Film Festival for some networking, performing, and to film a few videos (which I’ve been assisting with).


First up, Silent Sleep. Chris Macintosh and Louise Dwyer joined me for an interview.  Check out their music and social media here: (We played “You can colour me in”and “On The Steps Of The Bombed Out Church”)

Buy their album here: ;


Next up, we brought all of the guys from into the studio for an interview.  We played  “Disco Lights”  and “Lost For Words”, an incredibly catchy track:

More from The Tea Street Band here:

Buy the album here:

Tea Street Band is: 

  • Tim Tierney (vox, guitar)
  • Lee Smith (lead guitar)
  • James ALbertina (keys)
  • Dominic Allen (drums)
  • Nick Otaegui (bass)

And thought not last on the Podcast, lastly in importance…  the Trestin Meacham Comedy Hour:

I didn’t think he could be any more moronic than when he wrote his recent rant about the gay agenda: (please pardon, or enjoy, my interjections)

Trestin is not a man to disappoint! He recently elaborated on his views on Facebook (his post has since been removed, not a big shocker):


“I’m seriously considering moving to Russia in a few years. They have far more economic freedom. And are the only developed nation that actually promotes and fights for traditional values. America has become one of the most oppressive countries on earth. Yes, it has really come to that, I’m considering leaving America for Russia to get away from a Marxist government. Oh how far we have fallen since I was a child. Only if Putin stays in power, because he is the only leader I’ve seen with the guts to stand up to homo-fascist movement. Anything would be better than what the gay movement is doing in America. If I stay here they will have me jailed and drudged for the rest of my life. They won’t stop. I don’t think you get how hard it is to be a Mormon in gay America. They simply will not let us breath. We are to their movement what the Jews were to the Nazis, and in time they will be trying to march us into ovens. And if you don’t believe me, I have hundreds of message from them to back up that claim. You just don’t get it. Try dealing with them for one day, like we do. It really is becoming like Nazi Germany for us. I know Russia has problems, I do, but it and the Muslim countries are about the only place to escape the homosexuals.” – Trestin Meacham

Nazis. Jews. Straights. Gays. OVENS. Charming, eh?  I think Trestin should continue spewing his thinly veiled confessions of a frustrated closeted homosexual. His bigotry casts harsh shadows that make discerning the truth even easier than it normally is.  It’s okay, Trestin. Just come out. The gay community will flog and spank you extra hard for your fantasy punishment, and then they’ll accept you with open arms (maybe even some hugs and smooches if you are lucky).  I’m wondering how long it will be before the LDS Church reaches out to him in an official way and asks him to shut the fuck up.  He’s making the Mormons look really, really extra super bad.


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