1 Year Anniversary Show Recap

1 year ago, I went on stage to do the first edition of The Paul Duane Show.  A confluence of serendipity, little voices in my head, and big voices in the community were responsible for this experiment.  I was shocked, humbled, and massively inspired at how well received the show has been.  I’ll never forget what it felt like to step on that stage, pick up the mic, and connect with that huge crowd.  I knew I had arrived in a place I’ll call “home”, for lack of a better term.

Since then, I’ve had the honor of interviewing brilliant people, both from SLC and around the nation. The show has expanded to radio, becoming an anomalous spot on an otherwise exceedingly conservative radio station.  One by one, fans of the show are cropping up not only in Utah, but around the nation.  It’s truly an honor to be granted 2 hours / day in that sacred space between one’s ears.  If stepping on stage for my first show felt like home, sitting down to the radio studio mic going on air for the first time felt like the den.

One haircut,  12 shows, thousands of laughs,  dozens of pairs of tights,  a few venue changes, 1 trip to Burning Man, hundreds of hours on the air later, the vision for The Paul Duane Show is even clearer:

The Paul Duane Show is the best cocktail party in town.

You know… the kind of party that’s brimming with great music, beautiful people, great drinks…

…the kind of party where you get to meet people you’ve heard of before, but never had the chance to talk with.

…the kind of party where you meet people that you’ve never met, but are glad you did.

…the kind of party where you hear something that challenges you live your life just a little bit bigger than you did yesterday.

This is The Paul Duane Show.


(L to R) Actor Jim Stevens, Fox 13’s Carly Figueroa, join me on stage for an interview. Jared Gilmore (right) worked tirelessly to keep the sound system under control. Photo by Kennedy Clark.



(L to R) Carly Firgueroa, Jim Stevens, comedian Marcus, Paul Duane.  Photo by Kennedy Clark.


Dave Brewer and Jude Gillmore of the SLC Photo Collective were incredible hosts. Jonathan King was a force of nature in helping set up the space.  Photo by Kennedy Clark.

21mar2014bykennedy13Five Wives Vodka has been a huge supporter of the show – they are local, the make a great product, and are all around bad asses. When you are at the liquor store, buy Five Wives. It’s the right thing to do.  For every bottle of Five Wives Vodka you buy, God spares a baby dolphin from being massacred by a gang of rogue sea lions.  Photo by Kennedy Clark.


Jonathan King was here.  ‘Nuff said. Photo and fingers by Jonathan King.
21mar2014bysteveconlin6Drinking some barley water and chatting with local genius & actor Jim Stevens.  Photo by Steve Conlin / Five Wives Vodka


I cannot begin to explain how many ridiculously sexy women were in the audience.  Jaclyn Easton (pictured) was one of them.  Photo by Kennedy Clark.

21mar2014bysteveconlin8(L to R) Jim Stevens, Carly Figueroa, Marcus, Paul Duane.  Marcus is explaining what it’s like to not believe in ghosts while talking to ghosts.  Check out his new web series, Ghost Hopping. https://www.youtube.com/user/GhostHopping Photo by Steve Conlin / Five Wives Vodka

21mar2014byamberdawnpowll1Jim Stevens has an internal struggle over whose legs are better, mine, or Carly Figueroa’s.  Photo by Amber Powell.

21mar2014bykennedy11I wish I could present to you a roll call of everyone who was in the audience that night and what they do in the community… this was truly the best cocktail party in town.  Photo by Kennedy Clark.

21mar2014bysteveconlin4b The lovely and incredibly resourceful Kennedy Clark played a huge role in the nights success, from assisting with the bar, to making sure I was fed, to photographing the show.  Photo by Steve Conlin / Five Wives Vodka

21mar2014bysteveconlin3Dave Brewer (right) is the owner of the SLC Photo Collective, one of the most important places in my creative life.  Brewer is a master host and is gifted at connecting people.  Photo by Steve Conlin / Five Wives Vodka

We did it. There are A LOT of people included in “we”: Dave Brewer and Jude Gillmore of the SLC Photo Collective were amazing hosts, creating a space for the show that is second – to – none. Steve Conlin of Five Wives Vodka has been a stalwart supporter of the show all year – and last night they brought in an amazing bar. It was an open bar, free for everyone’s enjoyment (and enjoy they did!). Thomas Clement of Corbin’s Grille was our mixologist, creating the cocktails and serving up good vibes. Erin Western took care of the door and made everyone feel so welcome.  My guests, Carly Figueroa from Fox 13, actor Jim Stevens, and stand up comic Marcus were brilliant stage companions.  Joshua Delagarza and Chelsea Ott graciously filmed the show. Kennedy Clark filled more roles than I can reasonably enumerate here – including photographing the show and taking care of things I couldn’t. Jared Gilmore for taking care of the sound during the show. Jonathan King was a superhero, arranging for the P.A. and seating that were instrumental in making the show happen, putting in super long hours setting up & cleaning up the room after we were done.  For all of you that have been to every show, that have told a friend about it, that have supported me when it’s been tough in all kinds of ways – emotionally, financially, creatively, logistically, organizationally – I am beyond grateful for you.  You know who you are.

I get excited thinking about what the next year is going to bring for The Paul Duane Show. I don’t share ideas until they have made it past the idea stage, and into the action stage. That being said, here are some things that are in the works:

  • filming the show for the web
  • filmed comedy sketch pieces – I’ve partnered with some of the most hilarious, talented comedians in Utah to produce some SNL style comedy episodes that we’ll be showing at upcoming editions of the show.
  • new venue: the SLC Photo Collective will be home to the show for the foreseeable future.
  • private event status:  If you were there, you know what I’m talking about: an exclusive crowd comes to the show. Attendees are treated to an open bar and networking opportunities that you don’t find in other places.  You have to buy a ticket in advance to get into the show.
  • Comicon: I’m hosting the Cosplay contest of the April 2014 Comicon FanXperience with Jim Stevens as my co-host.
  • Stand Up Comedy Shows: I’m going to be doing my first headlining shows on 27 April and 11 May. Though not a conventional “Paul Duane Show”, it’s me for 30 min on stage doing purely stand up, something that doesn’t happen on the radio or at the live show.

The April edition of The Paul Duane Show Private VIP Edition will be held on 20 April (which is Easter) and is also 4/20.  Agr ain, it’s a private event with very limited seating. If you want an invitation to the show, add your email address (top right corner of this page) to our mailing list and watch your inbox.



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