Rock Waterman – What to Expect When You’re Excommunicated


Rock Waterman, author of one of my favorite blogs: Pure Mormonism, joined me in the studio today to discuss the progress on his impending Church discipline. He’s written and published a book, “What To Expect When You’re Excommunicated: The Believing Mormon’s Guide To The Coming Purge”.  Rock is a fascinating guy with a unique perspective on what it means to be a Mormon.  He was recently informed by his Bishop that a member of the Quorum of the Seventy (one of the general authorities of the LDS Church) said that Rock has 3 choices:

  1. Stop publishing the blog
  2. voluntarily resign from the church
  3. face excommunication

He’s now officially heard from his Stake President, and it appears that the proceedings will soon be underway.  Listen to the show to hear his reaction to the threat and what he plans to do about it.


Buy it here:

For those of you in the SLC area, you can catch Rock live during the Sunstone Symposium:


On Saturday August 2nd he will participate in the panel discussing “Moderating Mormons in Cyberspace.” That panel will convene at 11:00 am Saturday; he will be present at the symposium for all three days beginning Thursday, July 31st, so please stop by, say HI!  Buy his book before you go. It would be awesome to be able to tell him you’ve supported his effort before you meet him 🙂

One fun tidbit:  I recently learned that Rock is best friends with another one of my friends, Tony Toscano of Talking Pictures! Apparently these guys go back to the days before I was even born. Tony joined us in the studio today as well.




  1. Honesty is the best policy, but I do understand why someone would want to keep their name private when accusing another of being a liar. The reality of the situation is that church leaders are need but as the individuals in church leadership slip into apostasy it remains the fault of the individual not the church as a whole. It should be us as members to call them on it. Hard to do when if you question something you are told you are questioning GOD. It is questioning the individual not the gospel and sometimes it is taking time to pray and ask God for an answer; things that are not really tough as much as they should be anymore. Do you guys realize the whole reason the LDS church exists is because Joseph questioned God what was right?

  2. Rock is a liar when he claims no one has pointed out errors in his message. I have asked him many questions about his interpretation of doctrine and he refuses to answer. He constantly quotes D+C 10:67 as a definition of what constitutes “the church”. He has failed to define what it means to “come unto Christ” as the passage relates. It is obvious from the many revelations of the Lord to Joseph Smith that the church is much, much more than what the metaphorical 10:67 tells us. This is just one example of Rock’s dishonesty.
    Rock tries to tell people they do not need the church leaders, they only need Christ. The church leaders are the administrators of the temples and missionary work, and all the programs of the church that are absolutely necessary for salvation.
    Rock is chipping away at the leadership of the church, yet he has not considered what will happen if he is successful in toppling them. He has not considered the anarchy and chaos that results from revolution. He is acting entirely on his own, and not under the direction of God as Joseph Smith did. He has no authority to speak for the church as a whole.

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