Emotion Code Therapist Cameo Haag joined me in the studio to explain more about this new and interesting mode of energy work. Here’s the back story: A few weeks ago, a friend who is well acquainted with much of my emotional baggage suggested that I go see Cameo. She explained briefly how it works – and to be honest I was a bit skeptical. That being said, I’m pretty stoked to let go of some of this baggage, to downsize, and maybe fit it all into one compact, very stylish carry on bag (one by John Varvatos, ideally). Skepticism aside, what are the potential downsides to an hour of therapy? None. Potential upsides? Hey, if it works – this could be huge.
Here’s the short story: I don’t know how exactly, but she zeroed in on some potent past emotions from my late teen years that haunt and effect me to this day. After the session, I spent the rest of the evening in a state of feeling very inspired, motiviated, and empowered to let go of the resentment and betrayal that was at the core of it all. I had an epiphany that allowed me to see this experience completely differently. I became Obi Wan:
So nerdy. I know. But the point is, I realized that what I THOUGHT was a victory by an adversary, actually put me in a position to have vastly more power and influence than I ever would have otherwise. So many of the amazing things in my life right now are directly because of those years of enmity between myself and this “adversary”.
At any rate – Cameo’s work had an effect on me. I’m going back to work on another piece of that baggage very soon. If you are interested in booking an appointment, you can reach her here:
Cameo Haag – Emotional Code Therapist