Paul DuaneNovember 8, 2012 photographyShoot For Love pt 1 Life can be really, really weird and wonderful… A few epiphanies came to me last night while I…
Paul DuaneOctober 21, 2012 inspirationa mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam Every now and then, humanity is visited by someone that has a vision and a voice that transcends…
Paul DuaneOctober 18, 2012 comedywake the f#&% up! (but in a really nice way) “You have something that no one understands…” Stand up comic Kyle Cease talks about the innate creative nature…
Paul DuaneSeptember 17, 2012 musicianphotography: unexpectedly profound It’s been a little over 10 years since I started shooting professionally. It’s been a fascinating journey. Entering…
Paul DuaneSeptember 12, 2012 mormonismYou are the CEO Have you ever had those times in life where things around you start speaking to you in a…
Paul DuaneSeptember 10, 2012 personal developmentI couldn’t have done it without you Okay everyone. I’m going to wander into crazy town while on this post. I’m not taking a position,…
Paul DuaneSeptember 6, 2012 familyWalter’s Wisdom ONCE UPON A TIME… During my 20’s I was in school studying psychology. I was preparing for graduate…
Paul DuaneSeptember 5, 2012 photographyWhat’s your prurient interest? ** heads up – this post contains an image that may not be safe for work viewing **…
Paul DuaneAugust 20, 2012 personal developmentTake the high road, take it like a man I have a pattern of embarking on some new thing in life with great zeal. Like learning to…
Paul DuaneAugust 6, 2012 comedyJonathan Livingston Pigeon If you are not a frustrated artist of some kind, don’t bother reading this post today. “Man, I’m…