Paul DuaneJanuary 17, 2009 UncategorizedSo happy together… Last sunday, during my bi-monthly grocery shopping trip, I was contemplating the state of my wood floors. I…
Paul DuaneJanuary 16, 2009 Uncategorizedfirst major publication Just had to share this… I licensed the image that Mel Bay used for the cover of this…
Paul DuaneDecember 21, 2008 UncategorizedThe Birth of the Sun Today is the twenty first of December. Tonight the sun will fall into it’s deepest abyss in the…
Paul DuaneDecember 12, 2008 UncategorizedMakes you want to be married… Flight of the Conchords – “Business Time”
Paul DuaneDecember 11, 2008 UncategorizedA New Chapter The winter solstice is almost upon us; the rebirth of day is about to commence with the days…
Paul DuaneDecember 11, 2008 Uncategorizedwarmth I walk past the homeless shelter every night on my way home from work. Every winter night there…
Paul DuaneDecember 7, 2008 Uncategorizedinfallibility of grandeur I took my little girls to see the lights at Temple Square. I was warmed by the glowing…
Paul DuaneDecember 7, 2008 UncategorizedCold Play hit “Viva La Vida” a cheap rip-off I’ll admit, I’m a tad biased. I think Coldplay is okay, they’ve written some decent pop radio fodder….…but…
Paul DuaneDecember 4, 2008 UncategorizedObama to protect America’s Shitty Jobs Obama Promises To Stop America’s Shitty Jobs From Going Overseas