Paul DuaneApril 18, 2011 UncategorizedElder Rage I often deliver mail to retirement community apartment buildings. I just finished one such delivery. It reminded me…
Paul DuaneApril 9, 2011 UncategorizedThe controversy begins I had the privilege and pleasure of FINALLY shooting my piece de resistance, “The Blood And Sins Of…
Paul DuaneMarch 30, 2011 UncategorizedProtected: Boring story March 2011 There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Paul DuaneFebruary 17, 2011 Uncategorizedlame sex An excerpt from an instant messenger confessional I made to a dear friend recently: (04:26:01 PM) Paul:Christy,…
Paul DuaneFebruary 6, 2011 Uncategorizedthe words you aren’t saying are deafeningly loud 8:29 am, sunday morning. I’ve just dropped off Makelle at Mireesa’s house so she can go to church…
Paul DuaneJanuary 26, 2011 UncategorizedProtected: nudesdec2010 There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Paul DuaneJanuary 14, 2011 UncategorizedWelcome to the new site! It’s a new year – and with it, we launch a new site. The new Paul Duane Photography…
Paul DuaneJanuary 10, 2011 UncategorizedDidn’t realize I was into that kind of thing I’m almost embarrassed to admit this. I really didn’t think I was that kind of guy. I mean,…
Paul DuaneDecember 26, 2010 UncategorizedChristmas 2010…. So soon? For those of you who have been reading my blog for a while, you may recall my blog…