Paul DuaneOctober 21, 2014 podcastTinfoil Hat Tues: Paul and Jake argue about ghosts On today’s edition of Tinfoil Hat Tuesday, we spend 2 hours listening to people call in and claim…
Paul DuaneMay 27, 2014 podcastGetting conspiratorial with Jake Garn
Paul DuaneMarch 10, 2014 podcastIs Star Wars more like real life than we thought? Ah, yet another great conversation with Jake Garn, photographer-not-astronaut! Today’s subject: Is Star Wars more like real life…
Paul DuaneNovember 12, 2013 podcastPaul interviews Jake, Jake interviews Paul Today I am joined in the studio by my dear friend, photographer-not-astronaut, Jake Garn. Jake joins me often…
Paul DuaneOctober 9, 2013 podcastJake Garn, photographer not astronaut, waxes deep with Paul Duane WOW… where to begin? I decided to have my good friend Jake Garn come into the studio…